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How is GigsNearMe
good for your business?

On-demand talent

Hire talent based on your changing business needs

Do more with less

Use the power of a Gig workforce to achieve more

Power of community

Hire hidden talents within the community to power your business

Notable features

Built-in Workflows

Preferred Gig Workforce

Training & Onboarding

Gig Management

How to get started?

1. Register your Organization

Sign up with your key information.

2. Set-up your team and workflows

For the process to be air tight, lets define who can do what?

3. Publish your Gigs

Define which positions and when you need your Gig workforce

4. Interview and Hire

Schedule interviews with the best candidates and hire with just one click.

5. Rate and Recognize

Make this a level playing field for all. Rate and comment on your Gig workforce

Let us show you how easily you can hire and manage on-demand talent